Your officelove starts here

Try searching for: Lunch, Cleaning, or View all

People eating lunch, handyman uses power drill to mount a hinge on wood, and plant and coffee mug on table

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Illustration of the Officeguru chat module

Manage your office with ease

  • Find services and products for the office from the best local suppliers.

  • The Office Inbox collects all communication between your team and your suppliers.

  • Sit back and relax. Enjoy that the tasks on your to-do list are done.

How it works

Mouse selecting the service "Office plants" placed between "Catered lunch" and "Handyman"

Tell us what you need

Explore and find new suppliers for services you might already have, or get inspired by new and exciting services that can elevate your office experience.
Different 'Office plants' providers showing rating and relevance for customer

Choose a vendor

Get offers from multiple vendors, compare prices and offerings, and choose the vendor that fits your needs.
Graphic illustration of a woman crossing out a task on her to-do list and indicating that she would hire the same provider again

Check off your to-do list

Manage all communication on our platform and free chat app and enjoy that the task is successfully completed.

Isabella Sohrbeck

Office Manager at Savvy Revenue

Officeguru is a brilliant platform for anyone who needs to manage a multitude of office-related tasks. Whether it's lunch, catering, staffing, or help with events - you name it, and Officeguru has it!

A fantastic platform for keeping everything in one place, and creating a significantly better overview.

Illustration showing how team members can work together on Officeguru

We’re part of your team

  • You have a lot on your plate let us help you create a fantastic office environment for the enjoyment of you and your colleagues.

  • The Officeinbox keeps everyone in sync, ensuring everyone remains informed and on the same page.

  • Be a part of the community by sharing your insights and exploring vendor ratings from others like you.

  • More than 450 companies have already implemented Officeguru for their officemanagement. Create a user today - pssst it's free!

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Vetted & licensed vendors

We know you need to have the most skilled suppliers at your fingertips, that's why we've made it easy and found them for you!
Icon of three stars

Service quality guaranteed

"With Officeguru Protection, we guarantee the result, therefore we always ensure that you are happy with the service you receive.
Icon of hand holding a star sign

4.7 star-rating on Trustpilot

It works, just look at our Trustpilot. 'Really good service, support team and sleek management platform. The Officeguru platform is a must in any office management professional's toolkit.'

Become a vendor at Officeguru

Our amazing customers ask for more and new services every day. 
Join our marketplace to grow your business and streamline your operations.