Chat app
Communicating with vendors has never been easier
Keep the overview
Chat with vendors straight from your phone
Take Officeguru on the go and easily stay in touch with your vendors. The Officeguru chat app provides you with a complete overview of the vendors you have on the Officeguru platform, and you always have all messages at your fingertips – no matter where you are.
Add pictures straight from your phone
Easily provide feedback to your vendors by adding and sending photos directly in the chat – instead of spending a long time describing and explaining. It can all be done from your mobile, so you can use your valuable time for something else.
Shoot a message and save time
Need lunch to be delivered a bit later or cleaning to come earlier due to meetings? No problem! With the Officeguru Chat app, sending simple messages and managing day-to-day communication with your vendors takes no time at all.
Shared inbox
Let your colleagues in on the conversation
With the Officeguru Chat app, you have a shared inbox where your colleagues can always participate in the conversation with the vendors. This way, you can distribute the responsibility and ensure that all agreements are in order, no matter who is in the office.
Download for iOS (iPhone)
The Officeguru chat app ensures that you always have a complete overview of the communication with the vendor. With the app, you have your inbox from the Officeguru platform right at your fingertips, no matter where you are.