Officeguru lunch app

Maximize efficiency and allow employees to manage their lunch orders
Lower your food waste with up to 80%
Food waste costs - both the environment and your expenses. With the Officeguru Lunch app, employees can manage their lunch orders day-to-day, which minimizes food waste and ensures that the food ends up in their stomachs, not the trash bin.
Greater flexibility for the hybrid workplace
With Officeguru, you get flexible lunch catering that fits the hybrid office. Our free lunch app allows you to add guests and employees to cancel their lunch orders when they work from home, have sick days, vacations, etc. It's simple, convenient, and flexible to your needs.

What's for lunch? See the menu in the app
Download for iOS (iPhone)
At Officeguru, we love a good lunch, and we know how much commotion it can cause in the office if lunch doesn't meet expectations. Download our free lunch app and ensure that your colleagues can manage their lunch orders themselves.
A complete overview of all lunch orders and expenses
With our lunch module, you always have a complete overview of the office's lunch orders and expenses - down to each employee. Each month, you receive an invoice and can easily download and see how many meals each employee has received which makes budgeting a breeze and helps you control costs.