MarkedspladsCanteen service
Woman takes food from a buffet in the canteen

Canteen service

Does a lunch arrangement not meet your needs? If you need a more professional set-up in your canteen, with a full buffet and staff for serving, cleaning up, dishwashing, etc., then request a quote for a canteen service from our vendors, and they will handle everything.

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A flexible canteen service

If you've outgrown your lunch arrangement and want a larger set-up, then a canteen service is the perfect solution for you. Here you will also get a delicious, tasty, and nourishing lunch every day, ensuring that all employees are full and have the energy to continue working in high spirits. However, you won't have to manage the full operation and employ cooks and canteen staff, our vendors will handle that, so you just have to show up in the canteen every day and look forward to a delicious lunch.

A canteen service is not much different from a lunch arrangement. It's just a slightly different set-up and therefore suitable for a larger company, or if you don't have the resources or time for setting up and cleaning up lunch. It doesn't require you to have an industrial kitchen, as the food is prepared in the vendor's kitchen and then driven out to you. Here, the canteen staff will put the final touch on the work and set the food ready on the buffet, refill, clean up, and handle the dishwashing, etc. If you also need help with meeting catering, time can be set aside for that as well.

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How does a canteen service with Officeguru work?

With Officeguru, you get a modern canteen service. You can freely choose among our kitchens, which can provide a canteen service with a menu that suits your specific needs and also provide canteen staff, who will handle serving and cleaning up your lunch. At Officeguru, you only find quality-approved and local lunch vendors. Our kitchens are continually reviewed by the users on Officeguru, so here you are sure to avoid fluctuating quality, regardless of your budget. All you have to do is describe your needs, and our vendors will return with a quote for you.

How is a canteen service different from a lunch arrangement?

A canteen service is not much different from a lunch arrangement. It's just a slightly different set-up and therefore suitable for a larger company, or if you don't have the resources or time for setting up and cleaning up lunch. It doesn't require you to have an industrial kitchen, as the food is prepared in the vendor's kitchen, and then driven out to you. Here, the canteen staff will put the final touch on the work and set the food ready on the buffet, refill, clean up, and handle the dishwashing, etc.

What does a canteen service cost?

The price of a canteen service varies depending on how many dishes, salads, and sides you want for lunch. At Officeguru, we collaborate with Denmark's best lunch kitchens and flexibility is paramount – also when it comes to the price. Therefore, all kitchens will also be able to assemble a menu for you that fits your price level. A canteen service is calculated just like a lunch arrangement with a fixed cover price and delivery cost (transport), and to this comes canteen staff, who will be with you daily for about 4 hours or as needed on an hourly basis. When you send a request to our kitchens, they will send offers with a total price for both lunch, transport, and staff.

What are the tax rules for the lunch arrangement?

The rules regarding the lunch arrangement and taxes have changed significantly over time, and therefore many - rightly - may be in doubt about which rules apply. We understand this, and therefore we have gathered the rules in this article: What are the rules regarding taxes?

Is the canteen staff employed by us?

No, when you have a canteen service through Officeguru, our vendors take care of everything. Thus, you get both a lunch arrangement and canteen staff, who are with you every day for about 4 hours or as needed. Depending on how many you are, the canteen staff will typically be a single person or a "lunch lady" if you will, but if you are many, there is also the opportunity to get more staff. The canteen staff is employed by us or the vendor, and therefore we also handle everything about this person, but they will have their regular walk-in, and get to know your kitchen, premises, and employees really well.

Is it possible to get a more sustainable canteen service?

If you have wishes concerning sustainability, organic or anything else, you just have to ask us or inform the vendor about your wishes when you send a request. Kitchens can both deliver food, which has a lower carbon footprint, is organic or locally produced, and also arrange for transport in electric vehicles. Moreover, your employees also have access to our free lunch app, where they can manage their lunch ordering, which ensures that you avoid food waste.

Is it possible to get a canteen service that takes into account different dietary needs?

Yes, it is definitely possible to get a canteen service and a lunch that suits everyone's needs and taste buds. Our kitchens are very committed to delivering a lunch that is both tasty and healthy and provides energy for the rest of the workday. If you have wishes or needs for food that is gluten-free, lactose-free, vegetarian, vegan, halal, or anything else, you just have to inform about this when you send a request, then the vendor ensures to put together an offer and a menu that everyone in the office will love.

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Anmeldelser af canteen service

If you want to indulge your taste buds, delight your eyes, and leave full and satisfied from lunch, then Smagssans is a sure choice. The food is as flavorful and intoxicating as you remember it from your grandmother's kitchen, but neither heavy nor greasy. The lunch is also delicately decorated with an appreciation for good ingredients. Lunch is no longer "just" a half-hour of eating, it's pleasure and enjoyment with food from Smagssans.

Leveret af Smagssans A/S

All employees are very happy with the food and express this. It's a great joy to go to lunch.

Leveret af Simply Cooking

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