MarkedspladsFloor polish
Shiny, polished office floor

Floor polish

Floor polishing is a miracle cure for your office floors! It can give the floor a completely new life and make it shine like new. Our vendors are experts and can help with floor polishing of linoleum floors and other hard floors such as stone, vinyl, and tiles.

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Floor polish protects your floors

If your office floors are looking a little dull, a floor polish treatment may be just what they need. A floor polish treatment involves a thorough cleaning of the floor followed by the application of a liquid floor polish that is spread out over the surface. The liquid protects the floor when it hardens and gives it a shiny new appearance. If there is already an old layer of polish on the floor, it is removed during the cleaning process before the new layer is applied.

Once your floors have been polished, they will be easier to clean and will have a shiny and durable finish. Get a quote from one of our vendors through Officeguru and find the one that best suits your needs – you'll have beautiful new floors in no time.

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What is floor polishing?

Floor polishing is a process where a floor polish or wax is applied to a floor to improve its appearance and protect it from damage. It can be performed on various types of floors, including hardwood, linoleum, tile, and more.

Why should I consider floor polishing for my floors?

Floor polishing can improve the appearance of your floors and protect them from damage, including scratches, wear, and stains. It can also make it easier to clean and maintain your floors in the long run.

How is floor polishing performed?

Floor polishing is performed by our vendors, who are professional cleaning companies. The process may vary depending on the type of floor and treatment being used, but it typically involves a thorough cleaning of the floor, the application of multiple layers of polish or wax, and sanding between layers to create a smooth and even finish.

How often should I have my floors polished?

The frequency of floor polishing depends on the type of floor, the amount of foot traffic, and other factors. Generally, it is recommended to have your floors polished at least once a year, but some floors may require more frequent treatment.

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