Person takes a beverage from well stocked refrigerator


If you often have meetings or guests, it can be nice to have drinks in bottles that can easily be placed on the meeting table. Our vendors ensure that you always have a wide selection of drinks to offer guests and employees – for everyday and special occasions.

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Drinks for everyday and celebrations

Good drinks are that extra little touch that makes the office an even better place to be. If you want to make sure that your fridge always has cold drinks on the shelves, let our vendors help you. You can get a standing agreement for the delivery of drinks such as soda, sparkling water, and juice, and you can also order beer and wine for Friday bars and other parties.

If you want an extra professional touch, you can also get water bottles with your own logo. So, if you want to make sure that the fridge is always well stocked, simply send a request, and you will receive offers in your inbox from our vendors.

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How can you ensure that you always have enough drinks in the office?

You can either order drinks as needed or set up a standing agreement with your beverage vendor. If you order on a case-by-case basis, it's good to keep track of beverage consumption and order more in good time, so you always have plenty in stock.

What is the delivery time for ordered drinks?

Delivery times may vary depending on the size of your order and your location, but our suppliers can often deliver on a day-to-day basis. You can always ask and arrange delivery times with the vendor, but if you know you need drinks on a specific day for meetings, events, or a party, make sure to order in good time, so you can have your drinks delivered when you need them.

Can you get water bottles with a company logo?

Yes, you can also order water bottles with your company logo. It usually requires nothing more than sending your logo to the vendor when ordering, and you will have logo water delivered directly to the office.

Do the suppliers also collect returnable bottles?

Our suppliers can also pick up empty bottles and returnable deposits if they have delivered them. Just ask if they also offer this when you make a request.

How do you choose the right drinks for your company?

It depends on the company's needs and preferences. You can consider factors such as the number of employees, the budget, the desired quality and brand, and whether you want coffee and tea, soda, or alcoholic beverages. If you have any questions, feel free to ask our vendors, and they can help.

Få et tilbud på Beverages

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