MarkedspladsFlower subscription
Woman holds a bouquet of fresh flowers

Flower subscription

Fresh flowers always make an excellent first impression. If you want to ensure you always have fresh flowers in the office, a flower subscription is the perfect solution. With a flower subscription, our vendors deliver beautiful bouquets to your doorstep weekly, bi-weekly, monthly, or according to your needs.

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Fresh flowers on demand

If your reception area or meeting rooms need to look their best, beautiful flowers are always a delight to the eyes of both employees and guests. However, it's not much use if they start to wilt, which is what a flower subscription can safeguard against. With a flower subscription, you receive beautiful bouquets delivered directly to your door as often as you desire. The bouquets can be customized in size, with colors and styles varying according to the season, current trends, and your preferences.

Our vendors can offer different solutions depending on your wishes and needs. You can get flower bouquets, flower decorations, potted flowers, and everlasting bouquets as subscription solutions, ensuring your flowers always look their best. In addition to creating a pleasant atmosphere for both employees and guests, the greenery can positively impact your well-being and productivity. Research has shown that plants and flowers can reduce stress, improve air quality, and increase creativity in the workplace - and it's just a bonus when you have something beautiful to look at.

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Ofte stillede spørgsmål

How does a flower subscription work?

A flower subscription for businesses is a service where our vendor regularly delivers fresh flower bouquets, flower decorations, everlasting bouquets, or plants directly to your business. The subscription can be tailored to your needs and preferences, including types of flowers, colors, sizes, and delivery frequency.

How often are flowers delivered with a flower subscription?

You agree with the vendor on how often you want delivery with a flower subscription. It can be every week, every other week, or according to your needs and desires.

Why should businesses consider a flower subscription?

A flower subscription can add a fresh and inviting look to the workplace, improve employee well-being and productivity, and create a positive impression on customers, guests, and business partners. It also saves you a lot of time and resources, as you don't have to buy and maintain flowers and plants yourself - our vendors take care of that.

What flowers do you get with a flower subscription?

With a flower subscription, you can have flower bouquets, flower decorations, everlasting bouquets, or potted plants delivered directly to the office. You agree with the vendor on what kind of flowers you want, and then they arrange bouquets or decorations that suit your wishes. For each delivery, the flowers can change depending on current trends, season, color composition, expression, etc.

Can I also have flowers delivered on employees' birthdays, first day of work, and other special days?

Yes, you can also set up a flower subscription so that flowers are always delivered on special occasions, such as an employee's first day of work or birthday.

Få et tilbud på Flower subscription

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Anmeldelser af flower subscription

Absolutely love the concept! We receive very beautiful flowers.

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