MarkedspladsWaiting staff
Waiting staff prepares lunch in the kitchen

Waiting staff

Everyone in the office loves a good lunch! But very few people love or have time to help set up the lunch or clean up afterward. If you need help with that, there is waiting staff who can handle the task.

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Flexible waiting staff

Are you tired of discussing whose turn it is to fill the dishwasher after lunch? Then it's probably time to get lunch staff who can help you set up the lunch and take care of the cleanup afterward.

With waiting staff from Officeguru, you get someone who will be responsible for setting up the lunch, clearing the table, washing up, wiping surfaces, etc., so the kitchen is in perfect order after lunch. The solution is flexible but requires that the lunch staff be with you for at least 3 hours per day, which is also the minimum time these tasks take. Let us find a solution that suits you.

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What does waiting staff do?

Lunch staff performs many of the same tasks as a piccolo or piccoline, but they typically come only for a couple of hours around your lunchtime. Lunch staff ensures that they prepare and clean up after the communal lunch. Their daily tasks typically involve arriving at your office, letting the lunch supplier in, setting up the food as a buffet, preparing the table for your employees, replenishing the buffet as needed, and when everyone is done eating, they take care of the cleanup and dishwashing.

Are waiting staff permanently employed or hourly paid?

Lunch staff are typically hourly paid, as they will be at your workplace for about 3 hours daily. If you book through us, our vendors handle recruitment, and the person is thus employed by us but can be with you as much as you want. It is, therefore, a flexible solution if you need help for a few or many hours a day.

Can waiting staff help with other tasks besides lunch?

Yes, depending on how many hours you want waiting staff, they can also help with various ad hoc tasks and cleaning up and light cleaning. However, if it involves other practical tasks, you may want to try our piccolo and piccoline service.

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Anmeldelser af waiting staff

Our food is so beautifully presented and our kitchen is sparkling clean; it's a true pleasure to have sweet and professional staff from Rexkyoo.

Leveret af REXKYOO ApS

Fantastically sweet girl, very conscientious, pleasant, and smiling. We are very happy with Anna-Lucca.

Leveret af Temply ApS

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