MarkedspladsCarpet cleaning
Machine is used to clean a carpet

Carpet cleaning

Carpets and rugs in your office can hold up for much longer, if they are properly cleaned. Our customers are often surprised when they see how much of a different a carpet cleaning can do.

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First aid for your carpets

Do you have coffee stains on your carpets? Or have they just gone a bit dull to look at? Let our vendors come by and do their magic. They can clean all sorts of carpets and rugs, remove dirt and almost any stain. 

When cleaning carpets more time and work is required, than what your regular cleaning vendor can do with their vacuum. The proper expertise and equipment is necessary to make sure stains are removed and the carpets are cleaned without causing damage. Our vendors can ensure your carpets get a prolonged, new life.

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What types of carpets can be cleaned?

Our suppliers can handle carpet cleaning for most types of carpets. Whether it's area rugs, wall-to-wall carpets, stair carpets, or others, the suppliers can remove stains and give your carpets a new life again.

What treatments do the suppliers offer?

Carpets that see a lot of foot traffic will eventually start to look worn. Our suppliers offer several treatments within carpet cleaning, such as stain removal, deep cleaning, disinfection, or water damage cleaning. Once the carpets are cleaned, they can also receive an impregnation treatment that can extend their lifespan.

How long does carpet cleaning take?

There are several factors that play a role in the time it takes for carpet cleaning. The size of the carpet, the material and weaving, as well as the degree of stains and cleaning needs all contribute. Once the carpets are cleaned, it usually takes a couple of hours before they are dry enough to be used again. Our suppliers can quickly estimate how long carpet cleaning and subsequent drying will take when they receive information about the task. They can also provide service in the evenings and weekends if it better suits your plans.

Is carpet cleaning environmentally friendly?

In most cases, our suppliers can use cleaning agents that are environmentally friendly and free of harmful chemicals. If you have any requests regarding this, simply ask the suppliers, and they can accommodate your needs.

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