MarkedspladsFlowers and plants
Flower bouquet lies on a computer on a desk

Flowers and plants

Flower bouquets and plants are always inviting in the office and a wonderful gift to give a colleague. Our vendors offer single deliveries of both flower bouquets and plants for any occasion. There's also the possibility of having regular deliveries on special days, so there's always a green gift ready for the special occasion.

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Flower bouquets for all occasions

A flower bouquet or beautiful plant is a really good way to thank your employees. If they have a birthday, anniversary, or have made an extra great effort, they will surely appreciate a beautiful bouquet of flowers as thanks – or to mark their birthday or other special days. When a new employee starts, it always makes a good impression if they are greeted with a beautiful flower bouquet or plant at their new desk.

With Officeguru, you can both order every time there's something to be celebrated, but you can also set up special days, birthdays, and when an employee starts or stops. Then our vendors ensure delivery, so you don't forget the special days in the rush.

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Ofte stillede spørgsmål

What should I give as an employee gift?

If you're unsure of what to give as an employee gift, a flower bouquet or a green plant is always a good idea. Our vendors ensure the delivery of flowers and plants beautifully wrapped, flower bouquets can be delivered in a beautiful vase and green plants in a lovely pot. Additionally, you always have the option to include a personal message to the employee.

Can I order other gifts besides flower bouquets and plants?

Yes, if you want to give something extra, our vendors can also deliver, for example, wine, chocolate, or gift baskets, in addition to flower bouquets and plants.

When should I give employees flowers?

There doesn't need to be a special occasion to give an employee flowers, it can just be a welcome opportunity to show that you appreciate them and value their efforts. In addition, special days are also a good time to give flowers; first or last work day, birthday, wedding, maternity leave, anniversary, or other special occasions that need to be marked.

Can I customize my order of flower bouquets and plants?

Of course! Our vendors offer a wide selection of flowers and plants, so you can choose and put together bouquets and plantings that suit your company's style and preferences. Whether you want to give a flower bouquet, flower decoration, everlasting bouquet, or a green plant, our vendors have a wide range of everything that can be customized to your specific wishes.

Can I set up a standing order for employees' birthdays?

Yes, you can certainly have a regular delivery of flower bouquets or plants on special days. You just need to note which days it involves – if, for example, it's all the employees' birthdays – then our vendors ensure that there's always a green gift ready for the special occasion.

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Anmeldelser af flowers and plants

Very beautiful plants as well as professional and friendly service.

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